
Global Hawk UAV – RQ-4A Block 20 Global Hawk Aircraft

global hawk

The Global Hawk is a High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) recconnasaince aircraft UAV, and the most capable one in the world according to many experts. The newest rollout of the Global Hawk is the Block 20, which is the 17th Global Hawk to be designed. The Global Hawk has logged thousands of flight hours; bringing the United States Military incredible information and High-Res imagery.

Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems supplies the Global Hawk Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) which includes Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), electro-optical, and infrared sensors. The Global Hawk’s Sythetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can penetrate cloud cover, and even sandstorms. All of the advanced avionics systems can operate simultaneously with one another giving the Global Hawk the ability to find SAM’s, tanks, and a variety of other military equipment. The Global Hawk UAV can survey for up to 40,000 square miles a day! This UAV can stay in the air for up to 42 hourse with a nautical range of 14,000 miles.